On 18 May, Vladimir Zelenskiy stated that Ukraine did all its best to bring “occupied” Crimea back under control of Kiev and “secure the rights of offended people”, as reported by the mass media. The Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov commented on this statement at his official Vkontakte page.
“However, Zelenskiy didn’t specify exactly what the political regime of Kiev undertakes to reach these goals, thus I will shed some light on it. The case is about establishing of water, energy, transport and food blockades. Taking these facts into consideration, we can make the only one conclusion: Ukraine needs a desolate terrain. As the Ukrainian Nazis say Crimea must belong to Ukraine or it must be unpopulated. In this regard, Kiev may rest assured: Crimeans of all nationalities fully appreciated its “care” and “protection”.
By the way, can utility payments, which are regularly transferred for the apartment of Zelenskiy’s wife to the Crimean treasury, be considered as a contribution to the fight against the “occupation?”, — Head of Crimea wrote.
Глава Крыма ответил на заявление Зеленского о возвращении полуострова