In 2022 it is planned to present the first phase of a project of “Tavrida” stationary cultural center for young creative community. It will include necessary living accommodations and important infrastructure facilities, and thanks to that the educational project will be able to function in unique year-round delivery mode.
The art residency “Tavrida” will be established beyond the area of Meganome Peninsula, exactly on the lands of federal significance, but it will not touch on the Crimean natural monument. The residence will be able to place about one thousand people.
“We need this residency to pick over small diamonds and grind them better. The idea of this art-cluster is to set up a network of easy-to-use services to support creativity projects and professional standard recovery for young cultural luminaries, and promotion of Russian culture. Actually, we would like to create such an environment, which will involve different facilities, educational institutions and manufacturing sites required for developing person’s skills and providing with comfortable conditions” — a CEO of the art-cluster «Tavrida» project and an Executive Director of Autonomous non-commercial organization «Center of Cultural Initiatives Development» Sergei Pershin mentioned, after taking part in a TED-chat conversation released by Literature and Media Antischool.
An architectural concept design was drawn by Italian architects. To save territory’s ecological balance and avoid soil and vegetation damages, it was made a decision to use pillars in future building processes instead of ordinary house foundations. The project also envisages construction of a special pedestrian floor. This facility will be raised above the ground, and each visitor will get an opportunity to look at the sea from any point of the pedestrian floor.
Moreover, a general plan defines several working open spaces with terraces and performance stages, where festival and forum guests will be able to participate in future exhibitions, concerts and meetings.
The territory of a new embankment will be nice not only for cozy promenades, but also for organizing sport and entertaining arrangements. Such an approach will make residence atmosphere youth and dynamic. A film studio with a view pool for underwater camera shooting are noted in the architectural plan too. The studio will be equipped with advanced digital production systems. In 2020-2022 years project’s financial investments can reach about 2,98 billion of roubles. Currently, it is being discussed in a draft of country’s federal budget calculated for three years ahead. All required information and details concerned to that federal project and other regulation acts, you can find on the official government website —