The exploration of water reserves is being carried out under the Sea of Azov. As the Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea Yevgeniy Kabanov reported, a Russian company was dealing with this matter.
If the sources of fresh water will be found under the sea, then it is planned to divert water into the North Crimean Canal. According to Kabanov, now all possible measures on organizing of water supplies are being taken. Furthermore, the exploration for drilling of new water boreholes is also being carried out — Crimean department of “Komsomolskaya Pravda” reports.
“At the present time, the exploration of water reserves is being carried out under the Sea of Azov in terms of identifying the underwater pool of fresh water and possibility of using it for household purposes”, — Kabanov told.
We will resemble, the Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov previously stated that if the water under the Sea of Azov turned out to be suitable for domestic use, then it would have an impact on resolving the water shortage problem, but precise figures about the quality of water haven’t been received yet.
Reference: KIA