The information politics headquarters of the Crimean Ministry of Information reports that from the first of August to the thirtieth of November, the quiz is being carried on the website www.знаюкрым.рф.
A domestic politics minister’s deputy and a CEO of the domestic politics headquarters Elizaveta Gluschenko told the international web quiz «Crimea in the Russian World history» for compatriots living abroad attracted about more than a hundred people from 41 countries all over the world.
— The online quiz was started on the first of August 2020, but by the middle of September our project has involved so many participants. We certainly can say it proves the fact our compatriots living abroad are interested in the life and events of Crimea. If we build up a quiz participant’s generalized portrait, then we will find out it’s a person before 44 years old, who has already visited the Republic of Crimea once and want to do it again. Furthermore, schoolchildren from russian speaking families take part in the arrangement too. It doesn’t matter whether they prepare themselves for writing a creative task on their own or with parents’ assistance, but they will know more facts about Crimea at any rate. Of course, the more children wish to win the quiz the more they want to attend our region, — a minister’s deputy noticed. She also mentioned the Crimean Ministry of Information does all its best to provide people with all required information concerned to this event.
The quiz is being carried on the website www.знаюкрым.рф. from the first of August to the thritieth of November.
As at 17 September 2020, our compatriots from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Afghanistan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Brazil, Hungary, Greece, Egypt, Israel, India, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Congo, Latvia, Lebanon, Morocco, Mexico, Netherlands, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Singapore, Syria, USA, Tadjikistan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Philippines, Czech Republic, Estonia and South Ossetia have already taken part in the quiz.
Most of participants are social media network active users, thus they are able to know all details of the web quiz.
The international Internet quiz «Crimea in the Russian World history» is organized by the Crimean Ministry of domestic politics and communications with the support of the permanent mission of the Republic of Crimea to a President of the Russian Federation. To join the oline project, you have to enter this website www.знаюкрым.рф. Traditionally, three quiz winners will get 7 day tourist vouchers for vacations in Crimea with organized excursion programs included.
In 2018 Mikhail Philaniotis from Cyprus, Maria Aphanasiadi from Greece, and Elena Ernandes Romanenko from Spain became quiz winners and after they visited Crimea in 2019. Leonid Mitzner from Canada, Oksana Tsvetkova from Moldavia and Alexander Verrekia from France were defined to be 2019 quiz winners. The winners will be able to arrive in the Republic of Crimea in 2021, but only if an epidemiological situation is favourable.
Moreover, according to the quiz rules all finalists will get souvenirs. We have to mention finalists are considered to be those participants who answered all questions correctly, but they were not determined as winners.
Reference: KIA