During the resort season of June-August 2020, in the border inspection points of Crimea Russian officers of the Headquarters of the Border Service of Federal Security Service for the Republic of Crimea have prepared and registered documents allowing about 60 thousand of people and 2 thousand of vehicles to enter or leave the Russian Federation.
A border inspection point of Dzhankoy faced with the most intensive transport and passenger flows for that time period.
We have to mention Crimea has been attended by 31 thousand of people and 23 thousands out of them were citizens of Ukraine.
Comparing it with the same period rates of 2019, it’s quite clear to understand anti-Covid-19 pandemic quarantine measures influenced on the dynamics of people and vehicles passing through the state borderline and reduced its indexes as it was predicted.
The Headquarters of the Border Service reminds citizens of an active status of the state border crossing restrictions regulated by the Acts № 635-r dated 16 March 2020 and № 763-r dated 27 March 2020 of the Government of the Russian Federation. However, the Act of the Russian Federation № 2236-r dated 2 September 2020 lets citizens of Russia move abroad on several occasions to visit family members (spouses, parents, children, adoptive parents and adopted children), tutors and trustees, as well as close relatives (family members, grandparents, brothers and sisters) requiring care, tutors and trustees. Foreign citizens have to go through the same border crossing procedures.
If you want to get more information about state border crossing requirements, so we advise you to call the Headquarters of the Border Service of the Russian Federation using these telephone numbers: 8(3652) 77-16-71 and 8(3652)77-16-73.
Reference: КИА