As the press-center of the Crimean Ministry of Finance informs according to the results of the first eight months of the current year, the Republic of Crimea budget profits met all essential financial obligations of a region in its entirety.
A deputy of the Council of Ministers chairman and a minister of finance of the Republic of Crimea Irina Kivyko told that republican budget got 114,7 billion of roubles revenues (55,6 % of annual assignment), including own incomes – 27,1 billion of roubles. As for expenses, their amount is near 112,5 billion of roubles (almost 50% of annual assignments), what surpasses last year financial rates over 7,8 billion of roubles (almost 7,3%) and 8,4 billion of roubles (about 8,1%).
The Headquarters of Federal Tax Service of Crimea drove 21,7 billion of roubles (80% of own revenues amount, 54,5% to annual assignments) and the Crimean Headquarters of Federal Treasury engaged 3,4 billion of roubles (12,6 and 57,6% equally). Both these government departments mobilized the highest amounts of own incomes (tax and non-tax ones).
The deputy of chairman reported the balance of the Council of Ministers reserve fund is estimated about 548,6 million of roubles, though the year provided sum is 1113,9 million of roubles. The following departments got financial assets to prevent spreading of coronavirus disease on the territory of Crimea: the Ministry of Health got almost 396 million of roubles, the Ministry of Transport was provided with about 47 million of roubles and the Ministry of Construction and Architecture received 23,7 million of roubles. To avoid and terminate emergency situation in future, the State Committee of Irrigation and Water Resources got 28 million of roubles, the Ministry of Housing received 27,5 million of roubles, the Ministry of Labour and Social protection was given about 16,4 million of roubles, the Ministry of Energy obtained 13,6 million of roubles, the Ministry of Science, Education and Youth got almost 13 million of roubles, the Ministry of Land and Property Relations was transferred about 570 thousand of roubles and the State Committee of Veterinary received 48 thousand roubles.
According to the results of January-August of 2019 period, the Republic of Crimea cash budget execution is surplus with 2,8 billion of roubles and its revenues estimated 106,9 billion of roubles and costs valued 104,1 billion of roubles.
Reference: KIA