25 января 2021

Crimea became one of the leading regions of Russia in the gross harvest of fruits and berries

Crimea became one of the leading regions of Russia in the gross harvest of fruits and berries

More than 123 thousand of tons of fruits and berries were harvested in the Republic of Crimea in 2020.

“In spite of the unfavorable weather conditions, the gross harvest in the industrial sector of the republic increased by 10 %. In the first turn, the growth of volumes of the production is caused by the rapid pace of setting out modern intensive gardens and nurseries. Among others, thanks to our region, the record crop of fruits and berries was harvested in Russia last year, which is amounted to 3,6 million of tons”, — Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Crimea and Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Crimea Andrei Rumshin wrote a note at his official Facebook page.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, about 3,6 million of tons of fruits and berries were harvested in 2020, what exceeds the rates of 2019 by 2,2 %.

“The federal institution listed the leading regions in this focus area. Among such leaders are the Republic of Crimea, regions of Krasnodar and Stavropol, Kabardino-Balkaria, Voronezh and Lipetsk regions”, — Deputy Prime Minister mentioned.

Apples, plums, cherry, black cherry, apricots, currant berries, raspberry, bog blueberry and wild strawberries are the main kinds of grown fruits and berries in the country.

“Currently, horticulture becomes one of the promising trends of plant growing, as it possesses a significant potential of import substitution. Development of the sub-industry is supported by activities of investors and government support measures, which consist of stimulus grants for recovering a part of costs on setting out and maintaining perennial fruit and berry plantings, concessional investment and short-term lending, as well as compensation of direct expenses on establishing and modernization of facilities of the AIC”, — Andrei Rumshin added.

