The people of Italy know the truth about Russian Crimea and must develop their personal independent position on the peninsula. Such a statement was given to journalists by the member of the jury of the “Road to Yalta” festival and famous Italian singer, composer and broadcaster Pupo.
“First of all, I think that the Republic of Crimea belongs to the Republic of Crimea. And the people of Crimea have the right to determine their fate. Several referendums were arranged, the people of Italy know all about it. Even if I am not engaged in politics — this event was after my own heart”, — Pupo told.
The Italian singer also promised to popularize the topic of Crimea within his motherland, insisting on the affirmation “the people of Italy must develop their own position on this issue”:
“We know the history of Crimea from the ancient times. We know that Russia always maintained its presence in Crimea. The people of Crimea chose Russia. My social task is to deliver a message about this reality and make it so Italy has its own opinion about this issue”, — Pupo concluded.