09 ноября 2020

Crimean hotel has been acknowledged as a leading resort of Europe in 2020

The most prestigious reward of the world in the segment of tourism World Travel Awards has released the results of the European voting stage. The Crimean hotel Mriya Resort & Spa became a Europe’s leading leisure resort 2020 and the best European resort for a premium family recreation.

Since 2015, basing on more than 100 indicators, world experts of the World Travel Awards organization evaluate day-to-day operations of the Crimean resort. Annually, the hotel wins international awards.

From year to year, the resort team works on increasing a tourists and guests’ range of impressions and emotions they get during having a rest within the peninsula. For example, there were three significant episodes of presentation of building objects, such as a renewed three-level embankment, swimming pool on the base of a sea groin, big pirate ship and view restaurant with the Black Sea cuisine. We also prepare for launching the most awaited tourist project on a global scale, which is the Wine Park. The park’s territory is already open for walks and fact-finding visits. Next year’s spring, the project will be launched on a global basis”, — General Manager of Mriya Resort & Spa Samvel Sarukhanyan told.

There are other Russian companies in the list of finalists of the European voting stage. For example, Aeroflot received two nominations and Moscow became the best tourist destination the second consecutive year.

World Travel Awards is a reputable reward in the industry of tourism. It was established in 1994. Annually, the reward is carried out in two stages. The first one is regional, where companies of the industry of tourism are evaluated separately: Europe, Asia, countries of the Indian Ocean, Africa, countries of the Caribbean Sea, North America. The second phase is international, which means that companies of all countries of the world are evaluated and compared between each other without regarding to a geographical reference.

The final award ceremony of World Travel Awards will take place on 27 November 2020 in Moscow.

Reference: KIA